Mind Render / AI Drill
Mind Render / AI Drill is a learning/experimental environment designed for students and working professionals who want to learn machine learning. It includes “text”, “source code” and “simulation environment.”
You will understand the basic concepts and implementation of machine learning in the text, and can create program to simulate them using sample source code and simulation environment.
There are many books and source codes related to machine learning in each, but it is a unique feature that all three are provided in one place.
Available on the Unity Asset Store
Some chapters in Mind Render / AI Drill are available on the Unity Asset Store. We offer them separately for each theme.
※Pressing the Buy button will redirect you to the Unity Asset Store, so you will not immediately buy the product.
Swarm Intelligence
On Amazon, it is published in two separate volumes.
Chapter 1
Chapger 2
Configure the training environment
Chapter 3
Self-Driving Car
Chapter 4
Reinforcement Learning
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Game AI
Chapter 7
Optional Exercises
Source code and learning environment
The source code of the sample program and the necessary resources are provided so that you can try the developed program immediately. A major feature of “Mind Render / AI Drill” is that you can visually check the learning status using Unity.
Example: Neuroevolution
This video shows how the cars are learning to go around without hitting walls or obstacles.
At first, no car can go around. As the car learns, however, some cars get to be able to go around.
This video shows a car with the trained AI program in the above running in Mind Render.
You can see that the car runs around the rocks to some extent. (By having the AI program learn with more complicated courses and rock arrangements, the technique of self-driving will improve).