Connect to micro:bit

Preparation is required to play in the lab “1. Let’s bowl” and “2. Fly! MR 1!”.

1 What you need

  • micro:bit (ver.2)
  • Two AA batteries
  • hex file for micro:bit (See 2 below for details.)
  • Windows PC or Mac (Required to install the hex file.)

2 Install the hex file on micro:bit

  1. Download the hex file here on your PC or Mac.
  2. Extract the downloaded file. Confirm that “microbit-Mind-Render.hex” is in the extracted folder.
  3. Connect the micro:bit to your PC or Mac via USB. micro:bit will be recognized and displayed as a drive.
  4. Copy (drag & drop) the “microbit-Mind-Render.hex” file to the micro:bit. The copied file will not appear in the micro:bit drive.

These steps complete installation of the hex file.

3 Connect Mind Render and micro:bit

  1. Turn on the micro:bit.
  2. Start Mind Render and go to Lab > Let’s connect with external > Let’s play with micro:bit.
    Press the Start button on the lab “1. Let’s bowl” or “2. Fly! MR 1!”.
  3. Press the micro:bit object (micro:bit image) on the Scene Editing Screetn or Run Screen.
  4. Select the micro:bit you wish to connect from the choices and press the “Connect” button.
    *If micro:bits do not appear, press the Refresh button or the Reset button and try again.
  5. Close the screen with the “Close” button to run the program.

*Manufacturer names and product names in the text are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies.