Let’s answer quizzes with your voice

Preparations are necessary to play the lab “Let’s try voice recognition”.

1 What you need

– PC

– M5StickC Plus

– USB Type-C cable

2 Prepare experiment environment

1. VCP driver

Windows : Connect M5StickC Plus and PC with a USB cable and install the driver from the Device Manager.

mac : Install and launch the driver app from here. (External link)

2. Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

Install VS Code from here. (External link)

3. PlatformIO

Find and install “PlatformIO IDE” in VS Code extensions.

3 Run the program

1. Download and extract speech-recognition-udp.zip from below.

2. Open the speech-recognition-udp folder in VS Code.

3. Open speech-recognition-udp/include/wifi_settings.h.

4. Fill in your Wi-Fi settings (ssid, password), and IP address and port number to send speech recognition result (send_to_ip, send_to_port).

  constexpr char ssid[] = “SSID”;

  constexpr char password[] = “PASSWORD”;

  constexpr char send_to_ip[] = “192.168.XXX.XXX”;

  constexpr int send_to_port = 50001;

  *Filling in the port number is optional. (“Let’s try voice recognition” lab in Mind Render receives data on port 50001.)

5. Open the PlatformIO tab in VS Code and press “Build”.

6. Connect M5StickC Plus and PC and press “Upload”.

Please refer here for details. (A PDF file opens.)